30-Day Employee Performance Review with Self-review template

30-Day Employee Performance Review with Self-review

This 30-day Employee Evaluation review template is available both as an Excel and as a Word performance appraisal template. It is perfectly applicable not only for onboarding performance reviews but also for any situation where you might need a performance review template with a Likert scale question set.  This free performance review template can be used not just for a first 30-day review but at 30-day intervals throughout the onboarding process to measure any performance metric of your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 30-day review?

What do you say in a 30-day review?

What to expect in 30-day reviews?

What is the goal of a 30-day review?

What are the questions for 30-day reviews?

What is the 30-day review format?